August 2018 PCC Special Project
P: 770.449.8810  F: 770.449.5445
6875 Mimms Drive, Atlanta, GA 30340

Process Control recently completed a custom job that includes a 25kg mixer only. The mixing chamber
was taken from the G2 Gravimetric Blender (as shown) and modified to include extra safety inter-
locks, a modified top plate for loading, and simplified controls. Once mixing stops, the cartridge
gate opens allowing material to gravity flow out the bottom of the
chamber. Blow- down with high pressure air streams also begins at stoppage and assists to quickly
empty all pellets from the mixing chamber.
This self-cleaning allows quick and easy change-over.
Process Control maintains a complete engineering staff including mechanical designers and
engineers, electrical, software and communication engineers.



Please visit our website at For more information contact: Jim Collins at
(770) 449-8810 ext. 243 or jcollins@process­
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Modified 25kg Mixing Chamber
25kg Gravimetric Guardian 2 Batch Blender

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